Literature on Golden Mussels
Boltovskoy, D. 2015. Distribution and colonization of Limnoperna fortunei: Special traits of an odd mussel. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, D. Boltovskoy (ed.), Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 10,
Boltovskoy, D., N. Correa, D. Cataldo, and F. Sylvester. 2006. Dispersion and ecological impact of the invasive freshwater bivalve Limnoperna fortunei in the Rio do la Plata watershed and beyond. Biological Invasions 8:947-963.
Boltovskoy, D., B. Morton, N. Correa, D. Cataldo, C. Damborenea, P.E. Penchaszadeh, and F. Sylvester. 2015. Reproductive output and seasonality of Limnoperna fortunei. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, D. Boltovskoy (ed.), Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 10,
Boltovskoy, D., E. Paolucci, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Zhan, Z. Xia, and N. Correa. 2022. What we know and don't know about the invasive golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei. Hydrobiologia
Bonel, N., L.C. Solari, and J. Lorda. 2013. Differences in density, shell allometry and growth between two populations of Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae) from the Rio do la Plata Basin, Argentina. Malacologia 56(1-2): 43-58.
Bonetto, C., C. Villar, L. de Cabo, and P. Vaithiyanathan. 2017. Hydrochemistry of a large floodplain river. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 26:3, 899-902.
Burlakova, L.E., A.Y. Karatayev, and D.K. Padilla. 2006. Changes in the distribution and abundance of Dreissena polymorpha within lakes through time.Hydrobiologia 571:133-146.
California Department of Water Resources. 2024. Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei). 2 pp.
Campos, M., A. Alves de Andrade, B. Kunzmann, D. Glavao, F. Silva, A. Cardoso, M. Carvalho, and H. Mota. 2014. Modelling of the potential distribution of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) on a global scale. Aquatic Invasions 9(3): 253-265.
Capurro, L., E. Brugnoli, E. Diaz-Ferguson, and C. Martinez. 2023. Detection of Limnoperna fortunei DNA from plankton samples: a new protocol. European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
Cataldo, D.H. 2015. Larval development of Limnoperna fortunei. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, D. Boltovskoy (ed.), Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 10,
Cataldo, D.H., and D. Boltovskoy. 2000. Yearly reproductive activity of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia) as inferred from the occurrence of its larvae in the plankton of the lower Parana river and the Rio do la Plata estuary (Argentina). Aquatic Ecology 34: 307-317.
Darrigran, G. 1990. Invasive freshwater bivalves of the Neotropical Region. In Dreissena! The Digest of National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse, ISSN 1065-8408, C.R. O'Neill (ed).
Darrigran, G. 2002. Potential impact of filter-feeding invaders on temperate inland freshwater environments. Biological Invasions 4: 145-156.
Darrigran. G. 2008. Limnoperna fortunei (golden mussel). CABI Compendium.
Darrigran, G., W. Boeger, C. Damborenea, and M. Maronas. 2009. Evaluation of sampling and analysis techniques for early detection of Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae) in limit areas of its distribution. Braz. J. Biol., 69(3): 979-980.
Darrigran, G., and C. Damborenea. 2005. A South American bioinvasion case history: Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), the golden mussel. Amer. Malac. Bull 20: 105-112.
Darrigran, G., and C. Damborenea. 2015. Strategies and measures to prevent spread of invasive species. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, D. Boltovskoy (ed.), Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 10,
Darrigran, G., C. Damborenea, E.C. Drago, I. Ezcurra de Drago, A. Paira, and F. Archuby. 2012. Invasion process of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia: Mytilidae): The case of Uruguay River and emissaries of the Esteros del Ibera wetland, Argentina. Zoologia 29(6): 531-539.
​Darrigran, G., C. Damborenea, P. Penchaszadeh, and C. Taraborelli. 2003. Adjustments of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia: Mytillidae) after ten years of invasion in the Americas. Journal of Shellfish Research 22(1): 141-146.
Darrigran, G., S.M. Martin, B. Gullo, and L. Armendariz. 1998. Macroinvertebrates associated with Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in Rio de la Plata, Argentina. Hydrobiologia 367: 223-230.
Darrigran, G., and G. Pastorino. 1995. The recent introduction of a freshwater Asiatic bivalve, Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae) into South America. The Veliger 38(2): 171-175.
Deaton, L.E., J.G.S. Derby, N. Subhedar, and M.J. Greenberg. 1989. Osmoregulation and salinity tolerance in two species of bivalve mollusc: Limnoperna fortunei and Mytilopsis leucophaeta. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 133:67-79.
Gama, M., D. Crespo, M. Dolbeth, and P. Anastacio. 2015. Predicting global habitat suitability for Corbicula fluminea using species distribution models: the importance of different environmental datasets.
Guo, W., S. Lo, and A. Zhan. 2024. eDNA-based early detection illustrates rapid spread of the non-native Golden Mussel introduced into Beijing via water diversion. Animals 14, 399.
Ito, K., and H. Shibaike. 2021. Use of environmental DNA to survey the distribution of the invasive mussel Limnoperna fortunei in farm ponds. Plankton Benthos Res 16(2): 100-108.
Karayatev, A.Y., D. Boltovskoy, D.K. Padilla, and L. Burlakova. 2007. The invasive bivalves Dreissena polymorpha and Limnoperna fortunei: parallels, contrasts, potential spread and invasion impacts. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(1): 205-213.
Karatayev, A., L.E. Burlakova, V.A. Karatayev, and D. Boltovskoy. 2010. Limnoperna fortunei versus Dreissena polymorpha: population densities and benthic community impacts of two invasive freshwater bivalves. Journal of Shellfish Research 29(4): 975-984.
Kramer, A.M., G. Annis, M.E. Wittmann, W.L. Chadderton, E.S. Rutherford, D.M. Lodge, L. Mason, D. Beletsky, C. Riseng, and J.M. Drake. Ecospher 8(7): e01883.
Li, S., Z. Xia, Y. Chen, Y. Gao, and A. Zhan. 2018. Byssus structure and protein composition in the highly invasive fouling mussel Limnoperna fortunei. Frontiers in Physiology 9: 1-14.
Mackie, G.L., and J.K. Brinsmead. 2017. A risk assessment of the golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) for Ontario, Canada. Management of Biological Invasions 8(3): 383-402. DOI:
Magara, Y., Y. Matsui, Y. Goto, and A. Yuasa. 2001. Invasion of the non-indigenous nuisance mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, into water supply facilities in Japan. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology 13pp.
Mariano, B., O. Cristian, P. Marcela, and A. Porta. 2006. Evaluation of a biomarker of Cd(II) exposure on Limnoperna fortunei. Environmental Pollution 109.
Matsui, Y., K. Nagaya, G. Funahashi, Y. Goto, A. Yuasa, H. Yamamoto, K. Ohkawa, and Y. Magara. 2002. Effectiveness of antifouling coatings and water flow in controlling attachment of the nuisance mussel Limnoperna fortunei. Biofouling 18(2): 137-148.
Montalto, L., and I. Ezcurra de Drago. 2003. Tolerance to desiccation of an invasive mussel, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae), under experimental conditions. Hydrobiologia 498: 161-167.
Morton, B. 1975. The colonisation of Hong Kong's raw water supply system by Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilacea) from China. Malacological Review 8(1-2): 91-105.
Morton, B. 2015. The biology and anatomy of Limnoperna fortunei, a significant freshwater bioinvasder: blueprints for success. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, D. Boltovskoy (ed.), Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 10,
Nakano, D., T. Kobayashi, and I. Sakaguchi. 2010. Differences in larval dynamics of golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei between dam reservoirs with and without an aeration system. Landscape Ecol. Eng. 6:53-60.​
Oliveira, C., R. Fugi, K. Brancalhao, and A. Agostinho. 2010. Fish as potential controllers of invasive mollusks in a neotropical reservoir. Natureza & Conservacao 8(2): 140-144.
Ostrensky, A., R. Leit, Ana Bertao, P.V. Stica, A. Horodesky, O. Netto, M. Pie, D. Pestana, T. Zanin, and G. Dal Pont. 2025. Assessing the bioinvasion of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) through different watersheds in South Brazil: a comparison between quali-quantitative microscopic and molecular techniques. Biol Invasions 27(16).
Paolucci, E.M., V. Leites, D.H. Cataldo, and D. Boltovskoy. 2017. Veligers of the invasive bivalve Limnoperna fortunei in the diet of indigenous fish larvae in a eutrophic subtropical reservoir. Austral Ecology
Pareschi, D.C., T. Matsumura-Tundisi, G.R. Medeiros, A.P. Luzia, and J.G. Tundisi. 2008. First occurrence of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) in the Rio Tiete watershed (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Braz. J. Biol., 68(4):1107-1114.
Penchaszadeh, P.E., G. Darrigran, C. Angulo, A. Averbuj, M. Brogger, A. Dogliotti, and N. Pirez. 2000. Predation of the invasive freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mytilidae) by the fish Leporinus obtusidens Valenciennes, 1846 (Anostomidae) in the Rio de la Plata, Argentina. Journal of Shellfish Research 19(1): 229-231.
Perepelizin, P.V., and D. Boltovskoy. 2014. Effects of 254nm UV irradiation on the mobility and survival of larvae of the invasive fouling mussel Limnoperna fortunei. Biofouling 30(2): 197-202.
Petsch, D.K., L. Ribas, T. Mantovano, M. Pulzatto, A. Alves, G. Pinha, and S. Thomaz. 2020. Invasive potential of golden and zebra mussels in present and future climatic scenarios in the new world. Hydrobiologia
Rebelo, M.F., L.F. Afonso, J.A. Americo, L. da Silva, J. Neto, F. Dondero, and Q. Zhang. 2018. A sustainable synthetic biology approach for the control of the invasive golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei). Peerj Preprints
Renata, C., and M. Oliveira. 2015. Alternative strategies for control of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in industrial facilities. In: Boltovskoy, D. (eds) Limnoperna Fortunei. Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, vol 10. Springer, Cham.
Ricciardi, A. 1998. Global range expansion of the Asian mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae): another fouling threat to freshwater systems. Biofouling 13(2): 97-106.
Salles, R., E. Bim, M. Junior, R. Dutra da Silva, and R. Sabaini. 2020. Golden Mussel National Prevention, Control and Monitoring Plan in Brazil. 148pp.
Silva, F.A., N.P.U. Barbosa, R.S. Paula, V.A. Carvalho, A. Correa, and A.V. Cardoso. 2016. Golden mussel in Brazil: detection of a dangerous invader. Science Today 338(57): 38-42.
Silva de Paula, R., M. de Paula Reis, R. Brito de Oliveira Junior, G. Andrade, M. David de Carvalho, A. Cardoso, and E. Jorge. 2020. Genetic and functional repertoires of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mollusca, Mytilidae): a review on the use of molecular techniques for the detection and control of the golden mussel. Hydrobiologia 847: 2193-2202.
Sousa, R., A. Novais, R. Costa, and D.L. Strayer. 2014. Invasive bivalves in fresh waters: impacts from individuals to ecosystems and possible control strategies. Hydrobiologia 735: 233-251.
Spaccesi, F. 2013. Abundance, recruitment, and shell growth of the exotic mussel Limnoperna fortunei in the Rio de la Plats (Argentina). Zoological Studies 52:1.
Sylvester, F., J. Dorado, D. Boltovskoy, A. Juarez, and D. Cataldo. 2005. Filtration rates of the invasive pest bivalve Limnoperna fortunei as a function of size and temperature. Hydrobiologia
534: 71-80.
Sylvester, F., D.H. Cataldo, C. Notaro, and D. Boltovskoy. 2013. Fluctuating salinity improves survival of the invasive freshwater golden mussel at high salinity: implications for the introduction of aquatic species through estuarine ports. Biological Invasions 15: 1355-1366.
Turner, B.C., S. Brush, A. Newsom, and B. Rubinoff. 2024. Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortuneia) - Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Screening Summary. Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 68pp.
Uliano-Silva, M., F. Fernandes, I. de Holanda, and M. Rebelo. 2013. Invasive species as a threat to biodiversity: the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei approaching the Amazon River basin. Exploring Themes on Aquatic Toxicology ISBN: 978-81-308-0513-9
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2024. Golden Mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) Ecological Risk Screening Summary. 30pp.
Villar, C., J. Stripeikis, L.D'Huicque, M. Tudino, O. Troccoli, and C. Bonetto. 1999. Cd, Cu, and Zn concentrations in sediments and the invasive bivalves Limnoperna fortunei and Corbicula fluminea at the Rio do la Plata basin, Argentina. Hydrobiologia 416: 41-49.
Wang, H. Z. Xia, S. Li, H.J. MacIsaac, and A. Zhan. 2022. What's coming eventually comes: a follow-up on an invader's spread by the world's largest water diversion in China. Biol. Invasions
Wang, C., M. Xu, J. Zhang, and X. Zhou. 2023. High-latitude invasion and environmental adaptability of the freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei in Beijing, China. Ecological Applications 2023; e 2887.
Yang, Y., M. Xu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, S. Wang, J. Zhu, and X. Fu. 2024. Establishment risk of invasive golden mussel in a water diversion project: an assessment framework. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 17:100305.
Yang, Y., K. Liu, J. Zhang, M. Xu, F. Guo, X. Zhou, C. Wang, X. Zhou, and X. Fu. 2025. Key environmental factors influencing eDNA quantitative detection of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in a long-distance water diversion project. Environmental Technology & Innovation 37: 103998.
Young, S., H. Yang, D. Huang, S. Liu, Y. Huang, C. Chiang, and J. Liu. 2014. Using benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities as bioindicators of the Tanshui River Basin around the greater Taipei Area - multivariate analysis of spatial variation related to levels of water pollution. Int. J. Environmental Research and Public Health 11:7116-7143.
Xia, Z., J.R. Barker, A. Zhan, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. 2021. Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) survival during winter at the northern invasion front implies a potential high-latitude distribution. Diversity and Distributions 27: 1422-1434.
Xu, M., Z. Wang, N. Zhao, and B. Pan. 2015. Growth, reproduction, and attachment of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water diversion projects. Acta Ecologica Sinica 35(4): 70-75.
Zhan, A., L. Zhang, Z. Xia, P. Ni, W. Xiong, Y. Chen, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. 2015. Water diversions facilitate spread of non-native species. Biological Invasions 17:3073-3080.
Zhang, H., Q. Ding, Y. Zhang, G. Lu, Y. Liu, and Y. Tong. 2024. Prevention and control of biofouling coatings in Limnoperna fortunei: a review of research progress and strategies. Polymers 16, 3070.
Zhang, R., Y. Zhang, X. Pei, Y. Hou, J. Shi, E. Li, and W. Chu. 2022. Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive biofouling bivalve species in freshwater: a review of its occurrence, biological traits, risks, and control strategies. AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society 71(12): 1364.
Zhao, N., M. Xu, K. Blanckaert, C. Qiao, H. Zhou, and X. Niu. 2019. Study of factors influencing the invasion of Golden Mussels (Limnoperna Fortunei) in water transfer projects. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22(4): 385-395.
Zu, M., Z. Wang, X. Duan, M. Zhuang, and F. Teodoro de Souza. 2009. Ecological measures of controlling invasion of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water transfer systems. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research, ISBN: 978-94-90365-01-1.