Dreissenid Control Efforts
This table summarizes open water dreissenid mussel control projects (Dahlberg et al. 2023) and was reproduced from that publication as an AirTable. The table and publication summarize dreissenid control projects in different lakes across North America. Projects to control dreissenids after 2023 (the date of the Dahlberg publication) were appended to the table.
Project goals:
RRE = rapid response eradication
EPE = established population eradication
S = suppression
R = research
Pre- and post-treatment surveying types:
Cage = monitoring dreissenid mussels held in cages or chambers in the waterbody
DS = diving survey
eDNA = eDNA sampling
Equip = equipment inspection
NMI = assessment of native mussel infestation (i.e., density or number)
Plate = settlement plate use
Quad = dreissenid density at a given location (i.e., plot or quadrat)
Rake = inspection of removed vegetation (i.e., by rake toss)
Snork = snorkeling survey
UWA = assessment of underwater attachment to substrates and macrophytes
Vel = veliger tow
Video = underwater video inspection
Wade = wading survey
Wood = measuring attachment to submerged woody surfaces (i.e., density, total number)
Non-target monitoring types:
AP = aquatic plants (macrophytes)
Bac = bacteria
BI = benthic invertebrates
Chl = chlorophyll
Fish = fish
NM = native mussels
Peri = periphyton
Phyto = phytoplankton
Zoop = zooplankton
Environmental and water chemistry metrics:
Alk = alkalinity
NH3 = ammonia
BDO = benthic dissolved oxygen
BOD = biological oxygen demand
Ca = calcium
COD = carbonaceous oxygen demand
Cl = chloride
Cond = conductivity
Cu = copper
DOC = dissolved organic carbon
DO = dissolved oxygen
DP = dissolved phosphorus
Hard = hardness
Mg = magnesium
Nit = nitrate or nitrite
pH = pH
K = potassium
Prec = precipitation
Na = sodium
SO4 = sulfate
TN = total nitrogen
TP = total phosphorus
TSS = total suspended solids
Turb = turbidity
Temp = water temperature
WD = wind direction
WS = wind speed
Outcomes (Projects that treated 100% of the waterbody, or 100% of the shoreline do not have OT responses):
ST = short-term (before post-treatment sampling or within one year)
LT = longterm (after post-treatment sampling or after one year)
IT = within treated area
OT = outside of treated area
Y = dreissenid mussels present
N = dreissenid mussels not present
U = unknown
Christmas Lake - 2014 treatment with EarthTec QZ - Initially no barrier was installed; copper concentrations decreased from 1 to 0.5 mg/L Cu within 8 h, prompting installation of a floating barrier.
Lake Independence - 2014 treatment - Veliger tows taken during the treatment; came back with no veligers present.